Texas Racquetball Events InformationWelcome to the Texas Racquetball Events Newsroom.
Check back here frequently for new Racquetball news. Select an article in the Related Articles section. More Racquetball ArticlesRacquetball Links of InterestRelated ArticlesGo to recent events at the new page to see winners at State and other tournaments as well!Complete Racquetball articleNearly 250 junior players from all over the United States will be competing in 78 divisons of singles and doubles for boys and girls.Complete Racquetball articleThis event will be hosted at the historic Maverick Athletic Club in Arlington, TX and is the premiere singles tournament for racquetball.Complete Racquetball articleThis years event has been registered with the Military Racquetball Federation (MRF) and will benefit the MRF with a donation from the tournament silent auction, and donations from players.Complete Racquetball articleDon't miss your chance to play in one of the best tournaments of the year in San Antonio.Complete Racquetball articlemore Texas Racquetball Events NewsSearch Texas Racquetball Association EventsMore Racquetball Information |